Weapons: Earlier, the news about it was published in the media.

In 2009, General Pervez Musharraf made a surprising revelation. While giving an interview to American journalists. During a press conference: Pakistan was able to make nuclear Weapons using less than the critical limit of protein. Consequently, realizing the delicacy of the situation. Pervez Musharraf disclosed this to the Americans. However, the Pakistani army never formally confirmed such a weapon and, instead, kept this secret.

No. 7 Anza Missile System:

Strong Military The Laguna Weapons is the name of this shoulder-mounted missile. Located on earth, soldiers can simply destroy every vessel or the armed forces machine with it. The fact that Pakistan created it within its boundaries is what I think is most intriguing.

Anza MK1 Weapons,

Anza MK2 and India MK3.Strong Military  The Laguna Weapons is the name of this shoulder-mounted missile. Soldiers, located on earth can simply destroy every vessel or armed forces machine with it. I find it most intriguing that Pakistan created it within its boundaries.

No. 6 Small Knuckler Bomb Weapons:

In 2009, General Pervez Musharraf made a surprising revelation. While giving an interview to American journalists during a press conference: Pakistan was able to make nuclear weapons using less than the critical limit of protein. Consequently, realizing the delicacy of the situation. Pervez Musharraf disclosed this to the Americans. However, the Pakistani army never formally confirmed such a weapon and, instead, kept this secret.

No. 5 Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons:

Friends, for the fifth time, I will mention to you the electromagnetic pulse weapon. These are weapons that work very quietly. It can destroy all communication systems in a specific area within a second. It means that this weapon can disable the entire enemy’s electrical equipment in a short time. Including the enemy’s anti-aircraft.

Anti-ballistic missile

Systems and hundreds of other systems. “Additionally, earlier, the media published news about it. At that time, reports stated that Pakistani students had succeeded in developing Powerful Military technology.”

Furthermore, it is still believed that work on this project is currently being conducted in secret.




Friends will now tell you about the HEAT SIGNATURE NET for concealing weapons. In fact, scientists and engineers have spent their days and nights creating a web that. If on a modern earth with any kind of capability. Moreover, all these things can be protected by the sight of nuclear weapons. As well as Israeli radars and satellites.For the last few years, India has been secretly buying drones and other things from Israel.  which are underground.

Secret bunkers,

weapons and other things. Powerful Military can be used to identify secret objects. However, this is possible because of the advanced technology. That Pakistan has, all these things will not be of any use to the enemy.

No. 3 Frigate F-22:

It can also do air defense while staying at sea. It can also defend the sea and destroy land targets while at sea. i.e., it has surface-to-surface hit capability and not only this. But this deadly weapon under the sea, i.e. , the Sumerian. The name of this weapon is Frigate F-22, which is also called.

Zulfikar Class Kharigat Weapons:

In Pakistani, and Pakistan has named after the sword of our Hazrat Ali (RA) with the help of this weapon. The Pak Navy has hunted the enemy a lot. The cost of this frigate is equal to 750 million dollars. Actually, Pakistan was the first country to buy this weapon from China, despite its presence in Pakistan.

No. 2, HQ Nine Weapons:

Pakistan has put many countries in conflict. Because they all doubt that such silent agreements are going on between Pakistan and China, especially HQ.

No. 1 JF-17 Thunder Weapons

Is the best aircraft of Pakistan,. Powerful Military  whose fame has spread all over the world.Additionally. This is developed with all advanced air defense systems and Rampur systems, as well as modern air missiles.Everywhere, people will compare this aircraft with India’s missile system. But the JF-17 Thunder kept the enemies awake. It happened because, in the existence of this aircraft. They are not able to dare attack Pakistan.

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