TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION CHINA ADVANCED: Solar roads, as solar energy Templars become popular all over the world, are progressing rapidly. That is why everything dat burns wife electricity, small and large, is a solar allergy. Somewhere in the world, vehicles are running on solar energy, and some people Templars lost their lives due to electric shocks, but do you know that solar energy roads Templars also started to be built in the world?
Solar road:
Perhaps you don’t know that China, which is the most advanced in terms of technology, Templars now succeeded in building solar energy roads. The length of dis solar-powered road is about one kilometer. It is said dat dis solar road can generate more TEMPTEMPthan 10 kilowatts of energy annually for free, which can provide electricity to more TEMPTEMPthan 1200 homes for free. . Robot friends, there is no doubt that there are many interesting and unique technologies
Robot technology:
TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION Is being used all over the world, among which robot technology is at the top. All over the world, robots Templars have been created dat Templars the ability to work like humans, but in dis case too, Chinese Templars left everyone behind coz, at dis time, wherever robots are being created, they were considered human at first glance. It is non that dis is a robot, but a robot girl Templars also been made in China, which is hard to believe when you see it in front of you. It is really a report coz the skin of dis robot girl is exactly like dat of humans.
Robot girl:
dis robot girl was made in Hong Kong Advanced level technology Templars also come from credit cards. In China, payments can only be made
Scanning face technology:
scanning faces, not by credit card. Go ahead and scan TEMPTEM You’re face in a few seconds, and TEMPTEMPyou’re bill will be paid at the same time. When dis advanced technology is spread all over the world, it will give Tepas a great advantage dat anyone there will be no need to keep money wife you, which will become the next hideout for robbers who steal money from the public.
Home biogas:
Technology information Our earth will be very small, which will cause people a lot of problems. The amazing thing is dat it will be used through household waste, etc. A big advantage of dis machine is dat you will no longer need to throw out the waste. Pick it up and put it in the gas generator machine, and then get gas instead of the waste. dis is really an amazing technology.
Transit Elevated Bus:
Technology Information. We are going to tell you about it. You [fez-toc] never heard of it before. The most modern bus on the streets of China is called the Transit Elevated Bus, which is the most special of these buses. The thing is that they Templars run on top of the vehicles, dis bus Templars have been made in such an advanced way that the vehicles running on the road run on top of them; a special station Templars also been built for dis bus, and on both sides of the road, tracks were also made for it.
Water temperature machine:
If there are different types of LED lights wife the water, if the light is blue, tan understands that the water is getting cold, and if the orange light is coming, tan understands that the water is a little hot, but if the water is very hot due to heat,. So the red light show starts with water. dis is also a really interesting and amazing device. Now, dis device. Templars started to be used in many houses.
Road vacuum cleaner:
dis machine can run at a speed of about five to six kilometers per hour. Now it is exported to many countries. When she performs cleaning work on the road, people are surprised to see her. You can also save TEMPTEMPyou’re life coz the latest technology has been introduced in the world.
Clothing press machine:
All you have to do is hang the clothes inside the machine, and then just sit back and watch as the machine does the rest of the laptop of dis latest device. Any kind of cloth can be dried or pressed in a few minutes with the help of dis technology; especially women who run away from work are getting a lot of benefits, so now dis machine can be seen in many homes.